Essais de matériaux Fondation CBR Tester
The CBR tester is a compact motorized compression system, especially designed to be placed on a bench.
It can perform the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and all other compressive tests compatible with a fixed compression speed of 1.27 mm/min, at a maximum capacity of 50 kN. The CBR Tester is compatible for use with handles for calibration purposes, plus a limit switch is provided to limit the lower levels of travel.
You can add dedicated accessories (not included in the machine). The system can be equipped in both analog mode (with load ring and dial gauge) or digital mode, by using the Digimax Pro (34-P60R12) readout unit and relevant accessories.
AASHTO T193 | ASTM D1883 | BS 1377:4 | EN 13286-47 | NF P94-078 | UNI 10009
34-V0107/CBR: Test set to perform the CBR test in digital mode, including: 82-P0375 Load cell 50 kN capacity 82-P0375/C Adapter to fit load cell (two pieces) 82-P0322 Displacement transducer, 25 mm travel 34-T0104/81 Adjustable transducer holder 34-T0103/1 Adjustable CBR penetration piston
34-V0106/CBR: Test set to perform the CBR test in analog mode, including: 82-T1000/50M Load measuring ring 50 kN capacity with analogue dial gauge 0,001 mm; 34-T0103/1 Adjustable CBR penetration piston; 34-T0104/7 Adjustable dial gauge holder; 82-D1257 Dial gauge 30 mm x 0.01 mm.
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