Crack Width Gauges


Made from plastic. Used for measuring the crack widths in different positions: walls, corners, floors and difference of level. 

  • Internal or external use
  • Monitors the opening or closing of crack to an accuracy of 1 mm
  • Crack record cards supplied with each gauge simplifies monitoring
  • Capable of monitoring vertical as well as horizontal movement


Technische specificaties

Order nummers

58-C0219/SET: Complete set of crack width gauge comprehending: 5 pcs. for wall, 2 pcs. for corners, 1 pcs. for floors, 1 pcs. for difference of level and car- ryng case. 58-C0219/A1: MPMG Crack width gauge for walls (Set of 5).

Accessoires & toebehoren


: 58-C0219/B1: MPMG Crack width gauge for corners (Set of 2) 58-C0219/C1: MPMG Crack width gauge for floors 58-C0219/D1: MPMG Crack width gauge for difference of level