Materiaaltesten Fundering Falling Head Permeability Apparatus
The falling head permeability test is used to determine the permeability of fine grained soils with intermediate and low permeability such as silts and clays with permeability in range of 1x10-5 to 1x10-9. This testing method can be applied to an undisturbed sample. The falling head principle can be applied to an undisturbed sample in a sampling tube and to a sample in an oedometer consolidation cell.
This test method covers laboratory measurement of the hydraulic conductivity of laboratory-compacted materials with a rigid-wall, compaction-mold permeameter and may be used with compacted specimens that have a hydraulic conductivity less than or equal to 1 × 10−5 m/s.
EN 17892-11‰ASTM D5856
Falling head apparatus kit. Include: falling head permeability cell 100 mm internal dia., manometer stand with 3 tubes 6,8,14 mm dia. with quick couplings and anchoring system 1152x250x34 mm, soaking reservoir.
Falling head apparatus kit. Include: compaction mould permeameter, 4"" (101.6mm) dia. conforming to ASTM D5856, manometer stand with 3 tubes 6, 8, 14 mm dia. with connecting valves and anchoring system 1152x250x34 mm.
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