Materiaaltesten Fundering Indirect Tensile Test for UTM, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro and...
The Indirect Tensile Jig and Upgrade Kits are designed to meet the requirements of a range of testing standards and are the perfect accessories to complement your IPC Global Servo-Hydraulic, Servo-Pneumatic Universal Testing System, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro or AMPTQube.
ASTM D4123‰EN 1297-24 Annex E‰BS DD 213‰EN 12697-26 Annex C‰AASHTO TP31‰AASHTO T322 / TP9‰ASTM D7369‰AS 2891.13.1‰NCHRP 1-28A Appendix 1
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