This program is written to run in MS Windows® for data acquisition and processing of CBR, Marshall, Indirect tensile and generally of load/displacement tests. The software is designed to be used specifically with new Digimax touch 76-P60R02, with 76-B3802 and with 34-V1172, 70-T1082, 70-T1182 and 70-T1192 testing machines.
ASTM D1559‰ASTM D5581‰AASHTO T245‰EN 12697-12‰EN 12697-34‰AASHTO T193‰NF P94-071‰ASTM D6927‰ASTM D1883‰BS 1377:4‰EN 13286-47‰UNI 10009‰NF P94-078
Minimum PC requirements
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