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Controls - Plastic Limit Set


Used for determining the lowest moisture content of a soil at which the sample can be rolled into little rolls, 3 mm dia., without breakages.
The set includes:
Plastic limit plate, 300x300 mm
Stainless steel rod 3 mm dia.
Mixing dish 120 mm dia.
Flexible spatula
Moisture content tin dia. 75 x 30 mm (Q.ty 6)

All above items can be purchased individually. The test set can be housed inside a plastic carrying case.

  • Weight approx.: 2 kg


  BS 1377:2‰ASTM D4318‰NF P94-051‰AASHTO T90

Technische specificaties

Order nummers

22-T0041: Plastic limit set including: - glass plate 300x300 mm - stainless steel rod 3 mm dia. - mixing dish 120 mm dia. - flexible spatula - 6 moisture content tins dia. 75 x 30 mm (Without plastic carrying case) 22-T0041/A: Plastic limit set including: - glass plate 300x300 mm - stainless steel rod 3 mm dia. - mixing dish 120 mm dia. - flexible spatula - 6 moisture content tins dia. 75 x 30 mm All contained in a plastic carrying case

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