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Controls - Pore Water Pressure


Pore water pressure can be measured using pore pressure manometer with anti-twist device that can be fitted directly to triaxial cell. 

  • Ideal solution for measuring Pore Pressure in a triaxial system with analog measurement 
  • Measuring with dedicated mamometer, ensuring a negligible change in volume of the circuit of the pore pressure, as required by the Standard 
  • Max working presssure: 2000 kPa
  • Includes anti-twist device and de-aring block 


Technische specificaties

Technical Specifications

Max working pressure: 2000 kPa
Resolution: 1 kPa 
Protection: IP 65 
Pressure unit: bar – mbar – psi – Mpa – kPa
Operation temperature: from 0 to 60°C
Accuracy: less than 0,20 % F.S.

Order nummers

28-WF4451: Digital Manometer 1700 kPa cap. for pore water pressure. Suplied with anti-twist device and de-aring block :

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