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Controls - Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates. Chemical Method


ASTM, NF, UNE and UNI standard use the reaction container code 48-D0545 for the chemical determination of potential reactivity of aggregates with alkalies in Portland cement concrete. Other apparatus are also needed, for example the Jar Milles models 48-D0544 and 48-D0544/A (see link to other products below).
UNI 8520-22 also requires the Three gang mould 25x25x280 mm code 62L0009/A.

The 48-D0545 container is made from stainless steel and is fit with an airtight cover. Capacity 59 cm3 approx.
The 62-L0009/A mould, is made from steel having a minimum surface hardness of HV200.
The measurement of the 25x25x280 mm specimen is performed with the Length Comparator.  See accessories and link to other products below.


UNI 8520:22‰ ASTM C289‰ NF P94-048

Technische specificaties

Order nummers

48-D0545: Reaction container 62-L0009/A: 3 gang mould with plugs for the measurement of dimension variations to UNI 8520-22

Accessoires & toebehoren


62-L0035/A: Length comparator digital version. Comprehends digital gauge with output for PC connection (special cable required) - reference bar not included 62-L0009/1: Spare shrinkage plugs to UNI 6687.(Pack of 12) 82-D1261/LINK: Serial cable for PC connection 62-L0034/11: Reference rod 294 mm for mould 62-L0009/A