Materiaaltesten Fundering Pull-Off Tester
The apparatus is mainly used to evaluate the bond strength of two layers of concrete or the adhesive strength of surface coatings (e.g. cement plaster, lime, wall plaster etc.) on its support.
The apparatus is basically a dynamometer fitted with a load cell and high resolution digital display unit. The direct tensile force ia applied by rotating the hand wheel. The 16 kN capacity and the high resolution assure a wide working range ideal for a vast number of materials and applications.
It is supplied complete with: aluminium test discs 20 and 50 mm dia., screw bolt, traceable calibration certificate and carrying case.
A wide range of accessories, such as adhesive compound, disks with various shape and dimensions, drill bits are also available.
EN 1015-12‰EN 1348‰EN 1542‰EN 13963‰EN 14496‰EN 12004-2‰ISO 13007-2‰ISO 4624‰ASTM D4541‰ASTM C1583‰ASTM D7234‰EN 14891
58-C0215/5: Aluminium test disc 50mm dia x 20mm thickness 58-C0215/T2: Serial cable for digital pull-off tester 58-C0215 58-C0215/1: Drill bit 50 mm dia 58-C0215/12: Metal ring with truncated cone profile to EN 1015-12, 5.2 58-C0215/13: Fast curing bicomponent adhesive for pull-off tester 58-C0215/T. 2x15ml binder and 2x15ml hardener (4 vials): 58-C0215/2: Tungsten carbide bit 20 mm dia. 58-C0215/3: Stainless steel test disc 50 mm dia x 20 mm thickness (conforming to EN1015-12 and EN1542) 58-C0215/4: Test square plate 50 x 50 mm for pull off test to EN 1348 58-C0215/8: Aluminium test disc 20 mm dia.
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