The Semi-Automatic configuration for determining the elastic modulus and strength characteristics of rock specimens is based on automatic WIDZARD AUTO compression machine for axial loading and manually-operated pump for confining pressure. It performs either uniaxial or triaxial tests under load/stress control (no strain).
The 2 systems are operated independently and the failure envelope is obtained by a series of individual tests (single - stage) with manual adjustment of the axial load and manual application of the confining pressure at different levels.
Note: For a typical configuration of an Semi-Automatic triaxial test system see Buyer's Guides.
- axial and confining stresses are independently increased isotropically up to a defined level: axial load is controlled by a special pressure-compensated proportional valve; confining pressure is controlled by the manual pump with pressure maintainer;
- cell pressure is maintained constant and axial stress is constantly increased by the pressure-compensated proportional valve up to specimen failure (single-stage);
- the procedure above is repeated N times using new specimens at various confining pressure levels. Combining these results it is possible to plot the failure envelope with N points using the dedicated MS Excel spreadsheet.
- strain values are acquired by Datalog 8 datalloger.
- Suitable for determining elastic modulus and strength characteristics of rock specimens under uniaxial and triaxial conditions
- Composed by 2 indipendent systems: high stiffness compression machine and low friction manual pressure maintainer
- Max working lateral pressure: 40 MPa
- Advanced external data acquisition system with new touch screen Datalog 8