Materiaaltesten Fundering Standard Tar Viscometer
Used for determining the viscosity of cut-back bitumen and road oil. The apparatus, housed in a stainless steel case, consists of a tank fit with a thermostat, a rheostat, an agitator, an immersion heater to take the water to the required temperature and cooling coil for connection to the water supply. The temperature is checked by a 0-45°C thermometer. Cups, thermometer and Go/Not go gauge have to be ordered separately. See accessories.
EN 13357requires the 4 and 10 mm cups, EN 12846 requireS the 2, 4 and 10 mm cups.
EN 12846‰EN 13357
81-B0122/B1: Go/Not go gauge for 10 mm orifice 81-B0122/B2: Spare cup 10 mm dia 81-B0123/B1: Go/No go gauge for 4 mm orifice 81-B0123/B2: Spare cup 4 mm dia 81-B0124/B1: Go/no gauge for 2 mm orifice: 81-B0124/B2: Cup 2 mm dia, conforming to EN 12846 82-B0122/3MF: Thermometer IP 8C range 0 to +44°C, mercury free with alternative liquid
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