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Controls - Strain Gauges


They provide a very accurate electrical signal, strictly proportional to the strain of the specimen submitted to load application, for determining the Elastic Modulus and strength characteristics as alternative to the Compressometer-Extensometers 55-C0222/G which can be used only on samples  with min dia.75mm and min height 160mm. They can be applied to the specimen surface by a special Adhesive-Catalyst agent and other accessories all included in the 82-P0399/C Strain gauge application kit.
Up to 4 strain gauges ¼ bridge, and up to 8 ½ bridge, can be directly connected by one or two interfaces 82-P0398  to to our automatic control consoles  MCC or Automax Multitest which are suitable for cyclic loading and automatic determination of the Modulus of Elasticity.
Strain gauges can also be connected, by one or two interfaces 82-P0398, to a suitable data logger as, for example, our model 82-P9008, when the load application on the specimen is performed with Automatic compression testers as, for example the AUTOMAX PRO and PILOT PRO models. In this case, one of the channels of the Datalog 82-P9008 should be used for the load signal coming from an additional pressure transducer with selecting valve fitted to the compression tester.
Please get in touch with our technicians for complete information and service.  


  ASTM D5407‰ASTM C469‰ISO 6784‰DIN 1048‰UNI 6556‰BS 1881:121‰EN 13412‰EN 12390-13

Technische specificaties

Technical Specifications

Models 82-P0390     P0391     P0392    P0393    P0396   
Grid width mm0,90,91,22,311
Gauge length mm10203060120
Resistance  ohm120120120120120
No. of gauges per package   1010101010


Order nummers

82-P0396: Strain gauge 120mm gauge length. (pack of 10) 82-P0390: Strain gauge 9,53 mm gauge length. (pack of 10)

Accessoires & toebehoren


82-P0398: Compensation device for up to 4 Wheatstone bridgeswith 1/4 or 1/2 bridge setup 82-P0399/C: Strain gauge application kit including: conditioner, neutralizer, acetone, tweezer, adhesive with catalyst agent, 100 m of bipolar cable, solder, soldering iron, scalpels, scissors,duct tape, sellotape, sandpaper and carrying case. 82-P0399/P22: Bonding and catalyst agent to glue the strain gauges 82-P0399/1: Connecting terminals. 50 pairs sheet 82-P0391: Strain gauge 20 mm gauge length. (pack of 10) 82-P0392: Strain gauge 30 mm gauge length. (pack of 10) 82-P0393: Strain gauge 60 mm gauge length. (pack of 10)