Materiaaltesten Fundering Ultrasonic Time of Flight Meter
The Ultrasonic Time of Flight Meter, known also as the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester, is used for Quality Control and inspection of concrete. It measures the transit time of ultrasonic pulses through concrete for inspection of new and old structures, slabs, columns, walls, fire damaged areas, precast and prestressed beams, cylinders and other concrete forms. Combined with an oscilloscope can identify honey combs, voids, cracks and other non-homogeneous conditions in concrete.
Hand portable light instrument, battery operated, microprocessor incorporated, supplied complete with two 54 kHz transducers (transmitter and receiver), calibration rod, 250 g of coupling agent, battery charger with interchangeable plugs, mini-USB cable for PC connection and power supply, dedicated data storage software (CSReader), instruction manual and rigid carrying case.
Another advanced model of UPV tester is also available. See Ultrasonic pulse analyser PULSONIC model 58-E4900 with incorporated oscilloscope, suitable for determining the Dynamic Modulus of elasticity, the measurement of the Attenuation of the Transmitted Energy, the Spectrum analysis by FFT method, the concrete strength evaluation combining the pulse velocity with the rebound number of the concrete hammer (SonReb method), etc
ASTM C597 | EN 12504-4
Included in the rigid case
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